We Move the Weird, the Large, and the Unusual - Video

Berea Moving & Storage and WOOD-LEE International Art Handler are proud "movers of the weird!" From Dinosaurs, to bunkers, to tour buses...we love our work!! Other movers call us when they are unable to move the weird, the large, and the unusual. We have been moving the weird worldwide for nearly 60 years!

Transcript of the video:

Good Morning! My name is Lisa Holly and I am the very proud owner of Berea Moving and Storage Company and WOOD-LEE International Art Handler.

We are known around the world for moving the weird, the large, and the unusual!

And you ask, “What’s weird? What’s large? And what’s unusual?”

How about, Steggy the Dinosaur? We are the moving company that has moved it all over Cleveland for restoration and fun for all the kids in the neighborhood.

We’ve moved an elephant head that was on the wall at the Natural History Museum since 1953, and we took it down for restoration.

Weird? How about an art installation of a bunker? Or large statuary? Or, just, geometric pieces that are so big, that it almost takes a rigger, but instead they called us, they called me, they called our company.

One of the things that I would also consider in this weird and large and unusual is restaurant equipment, postal equipment, things that most moving companies do not want to move, they ask us to move it for them or instead of them.

One of the proudest things that I can say, in addition, is that we are the driver of, and protector of, Johnny Cash’s tour bus.

In the entire world, we are it, our company, my employees, we drive Johnny’s bus.

Again, my name is Lisa Holly, and I’m here for you, have a wonderful day and I look forward to seeing you soon.